maandag 12 november 2018

Cultural theory of a Dutchie

As a part of the assignment for this blog, I have to write about two theories on cultural awareness, one of them includes the theory of Hofstede. And you Dutchies may already noticed, it's a Dutch man! What a coincidence. Geert Hofstede wrote a theory based on five dimensions. His theory should be a measurement for the differences in cultures and help to overcome the differences while communicating with people from other cultures. I thought it was a good time to write it now, because I just started my courses at school and I can compare Finland and the Netherlands much better. Finally I can dive in the Finnish school culture!

I will shortly introduce the five dimensions of Hofstede's theory.
  1. Low power distance versus high power distance
    • Power Distance Index (PDI)
    • It refers to the measure of inequality that exists by people with and without power. 
    • It represents the inequality, but in the sense of acceptance. 
    • A high PDI score means that a high power distance can be observed and that there is a big inequality in society. 
  2. Individualism vs. collectivism
    • Individualism (IDV) means in the theory of Hofstede that there is a strength of mutual ties between individuals within a community. 
    • A high score represents a lack of interpersonal connections and little sharing of responsibilities. 
    • A low score represents a high amount of loyalty and respect for others.
  3. Masculinity vs. femininity
    • Masculinity - MAS refers to how much a society complies with its values and traditional male and female roles.
    • A high score means man are masculine and women are feminine.
    • A low score means that the distinction between the roles is not transparent. 
  4. Low uncertainty avoidance vs. high uncertainty avoidance 
    • Uncertainty (UAI) refers to the degree of anxiety that the members of the society feel when they are faces with uncertain and unknown situations. 
    • A high score means that the nation will avoid uncertain situations through control.
    • A low score means that the nation enjoys new events and initiatives.
  5. Short term orientation vs. long term orientation
    • Refers to society rules based on traditions and centuries-old traditions. 
    • Apply to the short and long term.
    • A high score means that family is the basis of society, education and training are highly valued and elderly people and men have more authority than young people and women.
    • A low score means that the country promotes high creativity and individualism. People treat each other as equals and they are willing to help each other execute the most innovative plans and ideas.

While searching for this information I found out that Finland and the Netherlands are quite similar when it comes to these dimensions. I think that both Finland and the Netherlands have a low power distance. This is shown for example in school. Back home we can speak to the teachers and use their first name, still be polite but in an equal way. The same I have noticed here in Finland. Teachers and students are treated equally and none of them are superior to one or other. And I think that is a good way to act around each other.

When it comes to individualism vs. collectivism I find it harder to see what the Netherlands would score. My thoughts about this dimension is that we are in the middle. We respect privacy, we are longing to freedom and want a reward for hard work. But we also are loyal when we have to be and respect each other most of the time.
When I think about my time here in Finland I think that Finland is more on the collectivist side. In my opinion the Finnish people are loyal to each other and show much respect to each other, for example to the elderly. 

Also on the third dimension I think Finland and the Netherlands are quite the same. In both countries women and man are treated the same and the distinction is transparent. And that is what I want to see! I think both men and women can do the same jobs and need to be treated equally.

We have to more dimensions to discuss and while writing this I noticed that I am trying to compare Finland and the Netherlands much more then that I usually do. Finland feels already so 'normal' to me.

Let's continue with low uncertainty avoidance vs. high uncertainty avoidance. What a tough one is this. I really don't know... When I read the meaning of this one, I only can say that I think that it depends on a person. I can't really judge my whole country on this one. But I guess we are more open for new experiences, new cultures and initiatives. I'm not sure at what score Finland is at this one. My feelings are leaning towards a higher score then the Netherlands. And that is because of my experience with the shyness of the most people here. Shy to speak English for example, wanting to be at there 'old' spot. But I don't think I can judge the whole country to be like that. I met Finnish people that are completely the opposite of that description.

The last dimension is short term orientation vs. long term orientation. In this one I think Finland and the Netherlands are quite the same again. The society rules are not really based on old-traditions. People are equal to each other, people help each other and support each others plans and ideas. And keep on with that!

So this was a whole different post then that I normally write, but I liked to search for the information and dig in it to understand the ideas of Hofstede about culture. I hope you understood what I wrote and I hope that it will let you think about the culture in your country as well!



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