For our exchange program we had to choose different kind of courses. In total we have like ten courses, including the clinical practical. Emma and I choose a program full of different topics about nursing. From a course about mental health, to one about internal medicines.
*Important side note: I'm going to TUAS, Turku University of Applied Sciences.
We expected to learn a lot and would go back with a lot more knowledge about these different topics.
But to be honest, in reality it went a little bit different.
A lot of the lectures are given in Finnish, so we don't have to attend them and we have to make the assignments at home. Of course you learn from that, but in my opinion you can learn a lot more when you interact with the teacher and classmates.
Emma and I are trying to get through all of the homework and try to learn as much as possible without going to school that much.
While going to school here in Finland, I think I can now say that I appreciate the school system back home much more. It seems more organized and easier to attend classes and find the homework and other materials.
Also the school is a thing that I have to get used to. This school is huge, just like my school in the Netherlands, but here they arranged everything so differently than back home that we have to walk around like lost freshman in the building who try to find the right classroom.
But in the end it is a really nice experience to see how a other country is organizing the whole school system and how they teach.
I think Emma and I will manage everything and that we will pass our study here and we will try to get the most out of it!
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