donderdag 25 oktober 2018

What do you think it means?

Because I wanted to let my friends and family know with what I'm dealing every single day, I made a survey with some Finnish words where they had to guess what it means.
It's a shame that I couldn't hear them pronounce it, but hey this was also fun to see.

The results!!

Hollanti                                   Holland
Minä olen Hollannista               I am from Holland
Huomenta                                Good morning
Ei                                            No
Kuka sinä olet?                        What is your name?
Kyllä                                       Yes
Mitä kuuluu?                            What's up?/ How are you?
Kiitos                                      Thank you
Suomi                                      Finland
Keskiivikko                              Wednesday

Thank you guys for filling this in for me! 



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